Here’s a bit of good news: On the third Monday of every January, our nation celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. and the many contributions he made to our world. To honor him, we hold the National Day of Service. People want to be engaged. A simple Google search of the term “National Day of Service” reveals more than 4.5 million hits. This coming Monday, January 18, is the 26th annual National Day of Service.
Everyone can participate in what’s also known as MLK’s Day ON not OFF. Everyone is welcome! It is a matter of choice: will you participate in an effort that will support or enhance the community you live in? How will you? What are your ideas?
For the past 15 years, a community agency that provides service to adults with disabilities has a program that supports local food banks. In my hometown of Bloomington, Indiana, an organization called Stone Belt offers individuals with developmental disabilities professionalized volunteer opportunities through its Hand in Hand program. Clients and staff collect non-perishable food donations from neighborhoods and deliver them to area food banks. Donors place their contributions in special Hand in Hand bags outside their homes. Stone Belt leaves empty bags with reminder cards that list the next date for pick up. This project creates an opportunity for individuals with disabilities to demonstrate their contributions to community-building through meaningful volunteer employment.
In communities throughout the nation, organizations like Stone Belt are working hard every day to make a difference and build a healthier community. There are 365 days in a year. Do you know people who make community contributions on a regular basis? What about you?